21 June 2009

Don't listen to salespeople about pre-orders!

Heard a massive load of garbage coming from the mouths of the staff at Gamestation about how necessary it is to pre-order.

A dad was in there buying a game for his kid, and was asked if they were planning on getting the next "Modern Warfare" game in November. The dad made the mistake of saying they were, which prompted the doom & gloom warnings from the member of staff about how hard copies of the previous modern warfare game were to get at launch, and how every big game sells out and needs to be pre-ordered, and how they should put a deposit down there and then and then they would "hopefully" get a copy.

What utter crap. Other than the Wii & Nintendo DS consoles, I can't remember the last time anything to do with gaming sold-out. ESPECIALLY the big released like Modern Warfare and GTA! If anything it's the games that sell less that are harder to get (try finding a copy of fire emblem on the DS, or valkyria chronicles on PS3). Shops like Game & Gamestation buy in shed-loads of these blockbuster games knowing that they will sell, and will make sure they don't run out of copies as they don't want to miss out on sales. Pre-ordering is all a big con to stop you shopping around for the best price when the game is out. Disc-based media is NEVER in short supply as the manufacturing process is so fast & cheap, and scarcity in supply is not a good thing for the publisher like it is in the case of hardware like the Wii & DS.

So in short: Don't listen to these people, don't put down a deposit on a game that they won't even tell you how much it'll cost. If you do really want to have something on the release day use a good online retailer like www.shopto.net who guarantee delivery on release date or they'll give you money back!


  1. *cough* Wii Fit *cough*.... Sorry Nick could not resist. Agree with you totally though. Only reason I pre-order some titles is online so they get delivered to my door plus you occasionally get them slightly early as they over compensate for postage time.

  2. Aye, console hardware does tend to be the exception :)

    I hear it's still near impossible to get a street fighter arcade stick. Lucikly I got an arcade stick back in the day for Soul Caliber :)
