8 June 2009

CVs are weird and make me think too much.

Finally got round to finishing off my CV and sending it out today. Happy with the result, but reading it back is really weird.

Because a CV is so focused and you can't allow yourself to be modest when writing it, it always feels like the person it's describing is some boring alternative you from a dimension where everyone does nothing but work.

Who is this meticulous, responsible, driven Nick Johns my CV describes? It certainly doesn't sound like me (as most my friends would agree), but when considering my employment & performance over the last 10 years it is accurate.

Which got me thinking, am I effectively two different people? Is everyone like this, or am I just particularly effective at seperating out work and play?

Maybe I should just stop thinking too much and get back to being "play" Nick. ;)


  1. I think it is mostly because the skills and personality traits that are demanded of us at work are very different to that in our personal lives.

  2. You raise a good point, I cannot really imagine the work Nick since I really only ever experience the "Play" Nick. You do strike me as the kind of person that is very compartmentalised in that respect though, which I would say is the norm for most people I would imagine.
