10 July 2009

Sims 3 - The odd couple

Got a request to share my sims online so people can get a copy of the Nick & Bytey experience.

So here you go

Recently Bytey-sim has took up gardening. In this picture he hadn't had a chance to change from his mad scientist job, I guess the wig is compulsory.

And Nick-sim's took up painting. Though despite me giving him a brilliant landscape view, he insists on drawing stick figures:


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  1. Ok you are awesome for uploading that! I'm downloading y'all right now... let the fun begin! I may blog about it, once I create an Asheyna Sim to join the fun.

  2. Lol... Asheyna sim created, if ya want lol. Do me a favor and at least download it to show Bytey? He'd get a kick out of it.


  3. Cool, I'll add her to the town and see what happens :D

  4. Hehe, Ash met Nick and Wayne today... I have to blog about that cuz it was pretty interesting lol.
